5 Signs You Are A ‘Clever Black’! Whilst intelligence needs to be embraced and celebrated, being a clever black is something that is mostly frowned upon and looked at with disdain by some of South Africa’s politicians and civilians. ‘Clever black‘ which is a term President Jacob Zuma popularized speaks to a select group of black people who are apparently disconnected from the reality of many black people.
Whilst the definition and context of this phrase is vague, after pondering over and over about it, I have concluded that my definition of a clever black has to be blacks who are clearly disillusioned by their own success and reality so much that they don’t understand the struggle of a typical black person in South Africa.

Below is a list of 5 Signs You Are A ‘Clever Black’
1. Racism
Because you have not experienced racism, you believe that many black people see racism where it doesn’t exist. Whilst there definately is merit to this argument. Racism is rampant and alive in South Africa and many black people are subjected to discrimination because of their color.
2. Hardwork
You believe that you are successful because you work harder than your black peers who are poor and that all poor black people should work a bit harder. Shame, shame, shame. Many black people are disadvantaged and not exposed to the most basic resources and opportunities that can facilitate growth in their lives
3. You believe that black South Africans like colonizers are foreigners and don’t have right to South African land
You like honourable Mosia Lekota believe that black people have no claim to South Africa’s land because like our colonizers we lay no claim to this land because we are all foreigners. SMH! Don’t even thing this deserves any further attention.
4. You think black people are lazy and unintelligent
A pinch of self hate and stereotypes about other black people on the daily because of your new ecominc and social class that makes you feel like you close to privilege and therefore there is nothing good about being black and black is only good if it emulates and assumes characteristics of races you aspire to.
5. Frown at African Culture
5. You frown at African culture and it’s traditions. You think lobola is robbery. You think speaking English with an accent makes you better than others. You take pride in raising kids who can’t speak your language. You equate African tradition to witchcraft! Uyaz’ uzofa !