Members of the community are urged to take heed and apply the following 20 Things To Do And Not Do During A House and Business Robbery in South Africa safety hints.
House robberies:
·Always be on the lookout for suspicious persons and vehicles.
·Enhance security through fitting access doors with security gates and install burglar bars on windows.
·Request neighbours to keep an eye when you go away for an extended period.
·Do not open gates and doors for strangers.
·Verify the details of anyone before you employ them and check authenticity of a contractor before you allow access to the premises.
Business Robberies:
·Do not keep too much money in the business premises.
·Be on the lookout for suspicious customers.
·Do not keep the shop open till late.
·Avoid being alone, especially at night.
·Business owners must not open for anyone after business has closed.
Safety hints for victims:
·Comply, remain calm and do not argue with crime perpetrators.
·Do not make sudden gestures.
·Avoid eye contact but try to remember how the perpetrator looks like by identifying and remembering special features.
·Try to get away safely from the area as quickly as possible.
·Do not be a hero, your life is worth more than anything.