Yup there are different types of women in South African relationships! Below is a list of 4 common types! Let us know what you think. Do you feel you represented.

1. Wife :
Lona umkhokhele waqeda ? waze wamfaka indandatho
?. Umama wasekhaya
? lo. She progressed from being a iStraight waba umfazi ngokugcwele. Ayisile indoda ebiza umfazi wayo nge straight
?, ubhalakaxane lowo, istraight soknuka yini??
2.Girlfriend (Straight)
2.Girlfriend (Straight)
Lonake unama preveleges athize angatholwa noma uban ✋. She’s the only one allowed to take selfies with you and post them on Facebook. She’s the only one allowed visit your mother and even cook. Uyamakha lo umakhela ukuth Abe umfazi wakho, awumbeki futhi isandla. Uma udiniwe ukhona umbhede wokuxazulula izinkinga
3. Girlfriend (Side dish) :
3. Girlfriend (Side dish) :
Lonake akaziwa ?. The only people abamaziyo ilaba othuka usuhlangana nabo ema lodge uthuke kuthi zichamele.
4. Trophy Girlfriend
4. Trophy Girlfriend
Lenake ile oyiphtatha uma ufonelwe olova bakho bethi sizobe sihleli nezifebe zethu nawe phatha esakho nawe bese uyamfonelake. Imvamisa yalaba bangama yellowbone and abaphiwanga ukuhlakanipha, bayizidonyana nje. Abanqeni ukudidiswa umngan wakho ehamba nawe uzwe kthiwa usencikiswe ngodonga ngemuva eClubbin. Uvele ubone ukuth cha lokhu bengikuphathela ukubukwa nje ?. Akusile kahle ekhanda.