Great dads are an amazing gift in life. Many people around the world have some touching stories with their fathers that are educational touching and inspirational. Here are some of the most heartwarming stories about amazing moments that some amazing dads did.

Great company is always best
I sat in my dad’s living room reading one night while he watched television. An hour passed before I realised it, and I felt bad for not speaking during that time. I asked if he was OK, and he said yes. Theapologisedized for not talking more. “Carmen,” Dad replied. “Talking is like ketchup. If you like the meat enough, you don’t need the ketchup—and if you like the company enough, you don’t need the conversation.” My dad never earned a college degree, but he was the smartest person I ever knew.
I was riding with my dad on his milk route. He spotted a small turtle crossing the road, stopped to pick it up, and put in the glove compartment. He told me not to play with it until we got home. Of course, when he got back to the truck at our subsequent stop to pick up milk cans, I was crying over a fresh bite on my finger. The moral of the story: It’s wise to follow instructions. And if you are going to poke something, use a stick instead of your finger.
Be Self Sufficient
I was reading an article in the newspaper when I came across a word I didn’t know. “Dad, what is the meaning of the word ostensibly?” My dad, as he usually did after work, was watching his favourite show. “You have a dictionary, don’t you?” he shot back. He didn’t even look at my face. I went back to my room, and there on my study table was that dictionary. Ten years have passed and I still use that dictionary, along with the lesson I received early in life from my old man: to be self-sufficient.
Unsung Heroes
My dad grew up in a peasant family in Puerto Rico. He had to work on a farm and didn’t have time for homework. When he arrived to class early one day, the professor informed him that he had the highest score in the district’s math exams. Dad told me that since he wasn’t a rich person’s child, no one cared: He was a jíbaro who showed up to school with dusty shoes. That was when I decided to keep achieving as much as I could in writing, even after graduation. I’d immortalise him. I owe him that much.
Always there
In 2002, my dad’s company expanded its territory, requiring him to travel more. On average, he was away for ten days each month. My mom struggled to work a full-time job and raise three children alone. Since the private school I attended didn’t provide transportation, my parents enrolled me in public school. My dad missed my first day of school and I got bullied, which caused me to act out. He picked me up after I served my third Saturday detention, and he didn’t go to work the next week.