5 Signs You Are A Side Chick Or Main Chick! Relationships can be a complicated thing. Love is the most beautiful thing in the air, but sometimes when a relationship is new its hard to tell where you are with your man. You might think you are his one and only but really your not. If he always has other plans, never tells you how he feels and only contacts you for sex well then I have some bad news for you. Here are a few simple tips to tell if you are the main chick or side chick

1 The Type of Conversations and texts you have
If everytime he texts you and you end up talking about love romance and sex, then you are the side chick. In a real relationship it’s not always about romance and sex, often he will talk to you about the things he is going through and share his secrets with you. You will speak every day because your lives are interconnected, even if you are in a long distance relationship. So fights will definitely happen you will get mad at him for not listening to you and the both of you will get on each other’s nerves. Side chicks may get into fights with their boo but the fights never last long and it goes back to romance unless you fighting about leaving his main chick.
2 If he hangs out with you in public a lot
Main chicks are publicly seen with their dudes all the time. If he has to make strange times to see you or is embarrassed to see you then, my friend you are a side chick.
3 If you meet his close family
If you meet his family members then best believe you are the main chick. Especially if you meet his mother. His mother will never like you, you are taking her baby away and he knows that so if he lets you meet his mother you best believe he loves you. No man would introduce a side chick to his mother or close family.
4 If he wants to hang out with you during your period.
If he is there at your worst all the time. Then you are the main chick. When women are emotional men become very impatient and they would not hang out with you in your most volatile period unless you are the main chick. And unless you guys are freaky he won’t hang out with a side chick in the one time when he is sure he can’t have sex with you.
5. If he doesn’t let you go through his phone
This is a true sign that you are the main chick. He cares about you so much he doesn’t want you to see anything that might hurt your feelings. You are the main chick and need not be worried. Side chicks can go through his phone because he doesn’t care what they think.