Tweeps Reply To Study Saying Male Beards Are Dirtier Than Dog Fur. The study looked at the germ trials of 18 bearded males and 30 furry dogs.
A recent study discovered that male beards have more germs than the fur of man’s best friend. According to the study, beards cover a larger number of germs than the ones found from the fur of dogs. The study was released in February by the European Radiology.
The study looked at the germ trials of 18 bearded males and 30 furry dogs. The result of the study state that a dog can be seen as a clean animal when contrasted with males that have beards.23 out of the 30 dogs that have been studied showed an increased bacterial amount but all 18 of the males with beard also did.
The study states that the scientists took tests from the dogs shoulders, necks and the parts where most dog skin infections occur. The dogs that were looked are at the age of 3 months to 13 years. The germs that were more likely to cause any type of illnesses were found on the bearded males. The males that were looked at were at the age of 18 to 76.
The males with beards provided the scientists with test materials of the beard hair that’s under the lips. The scientists recorded how long the beards of each male were using a ruler, the calculation was in centimetres. The hair was stretched to see its entire length. The scientist says, “the beards of men harbour significantly more microbes than the neck fur of dogs and these microbes were significantly more pathogenic to humans.”
The study was started by the question of whether dogs and humans can use the same MRI machine. This was because a few veterinary facilities are in the possession of MRI scanners and those that do not use MRI scanners that are used on other humans in medical facilities. The study was started by the Hirslanden Clinic in Switzerland. The resolution was that dogs do not pose any danger for humans if the same machine is used on both of them.
Tweeps replied to the findings of the study. One tweep replied to Radio2000 saying, “Eeeeeuwww, I knew it that’s why I luv a clean shaven man. Another tweep says, “Ngeke sizwe ngani (we won’t hear from you). Beard is life.” One tweep joked about it in a political manner saying, “This looks like the work of the opposition party.”
This is what tweeps had to say:
by Alexandra Ramaite