People Ask Why People Do Some Of Their Actions With #whypeopledothis. Some people had to ask other fellow tweeps why some of the things they see are being done by people.
Do people just do stuff that you don’t understand at all. To the point where you just ask yourself, “Why do people do this?” That’s the question that has been lingering in a lot of people’s minds actually. Well, now it’s not only in people’s minds but also on people’s tweet lists.
Some people had to ask other fellow tweeps why some of the things they see are being done by people. The tweeps used the hashtag #whypeopledothis. One person said: “#whypeopledothis Reject the good guys and go for the bad guys then later they ask God “why can’t you give me a good guy Lord”.”
Another tweep asked a question that was bothering a lot of people, especially black people, about cups and plates. The tweep said: “#whyPeopleDoThis put cups with teabags and plates with bones in the sink?” Another tweep had a really important social media question to ask. The tweep said: #whypeopledothis They Follow You Then When You Follow Back They Unfollow You.”
One tweep said: “Why PeopleDoThis Eat your food that you were thinking about all day while you were at school/work.” That’s the question that gives people chest pains.
These are some of the tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite