Twitter React To Zodwa Wabantu’s Controversial Statement About Gay People. Zodwa Wabantu has been known as one of the most carefree celebs that South Africa has.
Zodwa Wabantu has been known as one of the most carefree celebs that South Africa has. The woman does whatever she wants to do and she also says whatever she wants to say. Some of the statements she makes are sometimes controversial, something which Moja Love’s ‘Zodwa Uncensored’ fans are familiar with.
Recently the reality star made a controversial statement on her show about gay people and some viewers were frustrated at what the woman said. The woman says gay people try to act as if they have girl parts but they have male parts. She also went on to say that some girls try to accommodate girls. Some tweeps slammed Zodwa Wabantu for her statement.One tweep says, “Ehh Zodwa. The homophobia jumped out.” One tweep says, “…sis’Zodwa. Stick to wearing nothing and keep the homophobia to yourself. This is beyond disgusting…”
One tweep says, “Also f**k @Zodwa_Wabantu’s homophobia and transphobia. Also f**k her misogynistic (yes I said that [because] trans [women] don’t need cis women’s stamp on their essence/ifentinty/being).” One tweep says, “Is Zodwa Wabantu’s homophobia and transphobia gonna remain unchecked?” One tweep says that’s how hate speech begins. The tweep says, “@Zodwa_Wabantu Kodwa how can you say you accommodate us gays. Hate speech starts like this. I feel some homophobia in your words. I’m not AntiZodwa. But this offended me.” One tweep says, “…The generalization. The homophobia.”
One tweep says, “Guys what did I tell you about black girls and homophobia? What did I tell you?” One tweep says the reality television star’s supposed homophobia is as harsh as her feminism approach. The twep says, “Your feminism is as radical as your homophobia. Miss me @Zodwa _Wabantu.”
The tweets:
by Alexandra Ramaite