In Memes: Black Twitter Hilariously Describes Black People #YouKnowYouAreBlackWhen. There are certain things that black people understand but others don’t.
There are certain things that black people understand but others don’t. Some of these things come naturally such as the way parents reprimand their children or the way they use certain items. Black Twitter went on to describe how you should know if you are black. The tweeps used the hashtag #YouKnowYouAreBlackWhen. The tweeps hilariously described how black people live from their point of view.
One tweep describes how black parents buy sunlight green bar soap then dry it at home. The tweep says, “#YouKnowYouAreBlackWhen [you] buy the whole stock of sunlight just to open all of them and place them on the venster bank (window [in a] line).” One tweep says black people count their money before they leave the ATM because they believe the machine is not trustworthy. The tweep says, “#YouKnowYouAreBlackWhen you don’t trust the ATM…you still count the money after withdrawal.”
One tweep referred to the terms given to certain amounts of money by black people. The tweep says, “You refer to money like this…R5= Half Tiger…R10= Tiger…R20= Choko…R50= Pinkies…R100= Klipa R1000= Stenna…” One tweep says, “#YouKnowYouAre BlackWhen in your home you have a set of cups and plates that are only used when there are visitors.” One tweep says, “#YouKnowYouAreBlackWhen your car is roadworthy, you have your drivers license on you and you sober as judge butt you still panic when you JMPD.” One tweep says, “#YouKnowYouAreBlackWhen A little kids party turns into an adult’s party at night.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite