Tweeps Say How They Got Back Up After Almost Giving Up #IWasAboutToGiveUp. People always have that time where they fail to the point of wanting to give up.
People always have that time where they fail to the point of wanting to give up. The event may be work-related or maybe that toxic relationship that makes you not believe in relationships. Some do go through and give up, however, some people get up and move on. Getting up again after a harsh falter is hard but the wealthy people would tell you that it’s possible. Tweeps what made them get back up.
The tweeps used the hashtag #IWasAboutToGiveUp. One tweep says, “#IWasAboutToGiveUp I heard fresh is back on radio.” One tweep says he met a lady who made him believe in love. The tweep says, “#IWasAboutToGiveUp until I met this girl who loved me and believed in me.” One tweep says, “#IWasAboutToGiveUp but I [realised] sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination…” One tweep says Sjava inspired him to get back up. The tweep says, “…I heard Sjava say we [are] not blessed the same, at the same time and in the same way…That’s what kept me going even with this load on my back…”
One tweep says being a role model to his siblings is what kept him going. The tweep says, “…I remembered I’m the deputy parent (first born), gotta set set an example for my siblings…” One tweep says he never thought about giving up. The tweep says, “…can’t relate to this topic because giving up has never been an option.” One tweep says, “#IWasAboutToGiveUp until I thought of my 12 years of schooling, 4 years of varsity and the endless sacrifices that I made till thus far.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite