Black Twitter Hilariously Says They Won’t Be Able To Join #OcSober. October has started and people have been encouraged to not drink alcohol for the month.
October has started and people have been encouraged to not drink alcohol for the month. The initiative is part of a campaign to teach people about alcohol abuse. The money that would be use to drink alcohol would thus be given to any charity that a person would like to give it to.
However, people didn’t seem to be supporting the initiative to get sober in October. One tweep says, “I wish I could participate but my problems [don’t] allow me to stay sober…” One tweep says, “Guys enjoy your #OcSober [I’m not coming]…” One tweep says, “…some of us will have nightmares if we don’t drink…and besides water tastes weird on weekends…” One tweep referenced a viral video of a drunk group of people. The tweep says, “Ya’ll will #OcSober by yourselves, I am planning #nomahelele part two this weekend.”
One tweep jokingly says, “…I’m not going to entertain this #OcSober thing. What if it’s a scam?” Some tweeps supported the challenge of not drinking alcohol for the month of October. One tweep says, “I’m doing the Oc_Sober challenge no alcohol for me…this entire month…” One tweep says, Time to try alternative beverages…Rooibos should be a good start…” Some people were getting rid of some of their non-alcohol sides. Lebo Lion says, “First day without coffee…somebody pray for me.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite