Meghan Markle Goes To The University Of Johannesburg For A Huge Announcement For Higher Education. The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, was greeted at the University of Johannesburg by a wonderful crowd of students and the Director of the British Council in South Africa, Susana Glavan, on Tuesday.
The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, was greeted at the University of Johannesburg by a wonderful crowd of students and the Director of the British Council in South Africa, Susana Glavan, on Tuesday. Meghan Markle was pronounced as the backer of the Association of Commonwealth Universities in January 2019. The ACU connects universities from around the globe to advance knowledge, widen minds and further understanding. The organisation assists to further chances for mostly higher education learners and academics, it also furthers international connection.
She took over the position of the organisation from the queen, who had the position for 33 years. In the University of Johannesburg she publicised three gender grants that shall be given to analysts in the University of Stellenbosch, the University of Johannesburg and the University of the Western Cape. She went on to say that the assignment is “deeply meaningful” to her on a personal level. “The goal here is to be able to have gender equality, to be able to support women as they are working in research and higher education roles, and also to have workshops to convene things that are really helping people understand the importance of gender equality,” says the Duchess of Sussex, who is also a huge advocate of women’s rights.
She added that when a women is in power it changes everything in the community and that education is a primary point of that. She also publicised four Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth scholarships that will be given to students in other countries such as Nigeria, Tanzania and Zambia to learn in South Africa in 2020. “…with students being able to study in a cross-cultural environment not only are they able to absorb the knowledge in that community but they are able to bring that back home,” says Meghan Markle. She cited the events that have been with the #FeesMustFall demonstration in the previous years, with the battle to make people get their hands on education.
by Alexandra Ramaite