Tweeps Reminisce About The Days When They Were Children #WhenIWasJustALilKid. As a child you have the ultimate fun, you have no financial stress and you have a really good vision for the future.
Being a child is something amazing. As a child you have the ultimate fun, you have no financial stress and you have a really good vision for the future. However, for some people their future doesn’t happen as they have planned which then has them thinking about the great times they had when they were children.
Tweeps reminisce about their childhood days along with some of the funny beliefs they had. The tweeps used the hashtag #WhenIWasJustALilKid. One tweep says, “I thought life was easy, I thought after I have finished my studies I will easily find a job, easily get married, easily have everything I ever wanted.” Some tweeps thought that babies come from crazy places that they told when they children. One tweep says, “I thought kids were bought from the store.” One tweep says, “I thought babies come from the sky.”
One tweep says, “I thought people with email addresses are rich and very educated.” One tweep reminisces about the mythical character that people used to scare children with. The tweep says, “Well all I can say is pinky pinky.” One tweep says he always dreamt of owning a Lamborghini. The tweep says, “…my dream car was a Lamborghini…But now I could settle for an i10…” One tweep says, “I used to think that if you open the back of a TV you will see everything that you always see on screen.”
The Tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite