Black Twitter Sarcastically Reply To The Nicholas Ninow Mother Interview And Sub Some People With #YouCallThatAMistake. The SABC’s Sunday interview of convicted Dros rapist Nicholas Ninow’s mother had people in outrage.
The SABC’s Sunday interview of convicted Dros rapist Nicholas Ninow’s mother had people in outrage. The mother was interviewed by journalist, Chriselda Lewis. The tweeps had Chriselda Lewis under fire, some of the other South Africans laid their complaint to the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa.
The mother said that Nicholas Ninow is not a rapist and that he made a mistake. Black Twitter had a few sarcastic replies to the mother saying that it was a mistake, in the process the tweeps subbed other people. One tweep says, “Just because you’re a tweleb, you steal people’s tweets then #YouCallThatAMistake.” Some tweeps went for Sundowns coach Pitso Mosimane. The tweep says, “You get beaten by the same team twice in one month and #YouCallThatAMistake?” One tweep says, “Chiefs score a perfect goal but Coach Pitso #YouCallThatAMistake.”
One tweep subbed people that went into get rich quick schemes, noting ‘WhatsApp Stokvel’. “Joining these whatsapp stockfela thinking you’ll be a [multi-millionaire] over night,” says the tweep. One tweep says, “…when you steal milk from the fridge and then add water in the container? You are just a hater.” One tweep says, “You don’t study for your exams when you fail#YouCallThatAMistake.” One tweep says, “You eat my food which I hid excellently in the fridge, and then #YouCallThatAMistake.”
The Tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite