Black Twitter Says What People Shouldn’t Do In A Taxi #NeverDoThisInATaxi. Taxis are the most convenient means of transportation for most people.
Taxis are the most convenient means of transportation for most people. However, there are some acts that may make your taxi ride a little bit nerve wrecking. Luckily, tweeps know the stuff you shouldn’t do in a taxi.
The tweep used the hashtag #NeverDoThisInATaxi to tell people what they shouldn’t do in a taxi. One tweep states the importance of where you sit if you don’t know the place that you are heading to. The tweep says, “sitting at the back seat while you don’t know where you are going. Just sit next to the driver.” One tweep says, “Don’t ask where the taxi is going when the taxi has left the rank, ask before you get in.” One tweep says, “#NeverDoThisInATaxi sit by the door, when you’ll give us attitude when we ask you to open it for us.”
Some tweeps say that people should not speak English on their phones. One tweep says, “Speak English on the phone. They gonna stare at you shem.” One tweep says, “#NevrDoThisInATaxi speak in English on the phone.” One tweep says, “Never Talk In English Via phone. Be warned!!!” One tweep says one should not argue with the driver. “don’t argue with the driver, I repeat Don’t argue with the driver!” One tweep says one should never “Complain about the driving, you will be given your money and asked to get out…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite