About registering an animal identification mark
If you own cattle, sheep, goats or pigs, it is compulsory that you mark your livestock. You must apply for a registered identification mark at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.
An animal identification mark shows to whom the animal belongs. If the animal is lost or stolen and is found, it will be possible to trace the owner.
An identification mark consists of not more than three letters of the alphabet or symbols (characters).
Permanent identification marks can be put on animals by means of hot iron branding, freeze branding or tattooing.
If you buy animals or receive them as a gift, you must put an identification mark on them within two weeks. Animals that you sell should also carry your identification mark.
Your mark is put on the National Register of Animal Identification System (AIS) and no one may use it or brand your animal without your permission.
Note: You may not put an identification mark on your animals if you have not registered the identification mark.
What you should do
Download or obtain the application form from extension officers, magistrates’ offices, stock-theft units of the South African Police Service or from the Registrar: Animal Identification in Pretoria.
Complete and sign the application form.
If you have not personally signed the application, a letter from you authorising the signatory must be attached to the application form.
Pay the fee to:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Standard Bank
Branch: Arcadia
Branch Number: 051001
Account Number: 011252871
or take the application form to the Delpen Building, on the corner of Annie Botha Avenue and Union Street, Riviera, Pretoria.
Post the original deposit slip and the application form to The Registrar of Animal Identification, Private Bag X138, Pretoria, 0001.
How long does it take
30 work days
How much does it cost
Forms to complete
Application for registration of an identification mark.
The form can also be obtained from extension officers, magistrates offices, stock-theft units of the South African Police Services or from the Registrar: Animal Identification in Pretoria
Who to contact
Tel: 012 319 7637
Fax: 012 319 7551
Email: [email protected](link sends e-mail)
Physical address: Delpen Building, Cnr Annie Botha Avenue and Union Street, Riviera, Pretoria
Postal address: Registrar: Animal Identification, Private Bag X138, Pretoria, 0001