Tweeps Write Letters To Kasi Thieves #DearKasiThieves. Crime in South Africa has increased at a very scary rate since last year (2018).
Crime in South Africa has increased at a very scary rate since last year (2018). The victims of crime experience trauma after the event has happened to them. Most of the criminals who cause these crimes commit the crimes without even thinking about the people they commit the crimes to. Tweeps wanted the criminals to understand certain stuff before they commit crimes against other people.
The tweeps wrote “letters” directed to the thieves in the townships. The tweeps used the hashtag #DearKasiThieves. Some tweeps say the thieves should allow students to take their academic belongings before they mug them. The tweep says, “When you mug students, pease let them take their assignments, dissertation or thesis. You can just give them a minute to transfer the work into a USB at least…” One tweep says, “when you guys steal from students let them first take their Notes,Assignments,projects etc…”
One tweep says guns are not necessary when robbing people. The tweep says, “Was the gun necessary though? I went from being free to locking my door all the time because of u idiots and I walked around for weeks looking like my boyfriend punched me…go easy on us…” One tweep remembers the day he was stabbed when he was robbed. The tweep says, “I was stabbed 4years ago…Still in shock till this day. But thanks for the life lessons I’m alive aren’t I?”
Some tweeps put a funny twist to the hashtag. One tweep says, “I had no problem when you took my wallet…Was it necessary to take the Halls in my mouth.” One tweep says, “I’ll never forget the the time you mugged a friend of mine, then accompanied him while advising him… “Why uhamba uyi 1 late so, bazokubamba inkunzi (Why are you walking alone this late, they going to mug you).” ” One tweeps says the thieves may be on Facebook and not Twitter. The tweep says, “I doubt there is any of them her. They are on FACEBOOK. We are speaking to ourselves here.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite