Being In Your Home For These 21 Days Could Have An Impact On Mood, Few Tips On How To Cope. Currently, being confined to your home is the best thing the South African government can do to try and flatten the curve of the rise of the coronavirus.
Currently, being confined to your home is the best thing the South African government can do to try and flatten the curve of the rise of the coronavirus. However, being in your home for the 21 days could impact the mood a person is in. According to Brent Murph, a pharmacist and the leader of R&D in Solal, what impacts a person’s mood is down to who the person is individually.
The pharmacist and head of R&D in Solal went on to explain how negative emotions start from our own mentality. “Researchers have found that the social expectation of people to be happy, and not negative, actually enhances negativity and leads to more intense and frequent bouts of sadness,” says Brent Murphy. We all seek to be always happy but in this millennial and ‘generation Z’ generation, it has proven to be difficult to be happy.
Brent Murph went on to say that one should not fall in the trap of thinking that they should do or possess something in order to be happy. The pharmacist gave three tips for curbing a bad mood. Firstly, people should stop having huge expectations and exerting pressure on themselves as it may lead to depression and cause depression. Secondly, don’t run after happiness, maybe learn how to put your emotions in check so that when you are not feeling good, things don’t get really bad. Lastly, look at your life carefully, try to see what makes you happy and keeps you in your Zen. When you know what keeps you in your Zen, keep at it when you in a negative mood.
by Alexandra Ramaite