Black Twitter Reacts To ‘Date My Family’s’ Boring Bachelor Tebogo. Some of the tweeps were focused on Kgomostso, an Estate agent intern.
Last night, Date My Family had a bachelor called Tebogo Ncokazi. Tebogo says that he was looking for someone who wouldn’t lie to him. He also wanted more features that most bachelors on the show wanted, such as being slender. Twitter was focused on the bachelor’s personality.
Tweeps thought that Tebogo was a boring man because of his appearance and the way he speaks. Shots seemed to be fired from every direction for the bachelor because of his personality. Some tweeps also compared the bachelor to Robocop or Jerry Maake from Mzansi Magic’s Jerry Maake. Other tweeps spoke about the shoes he wore when he went out with the suitor he chose.
The first family he met was Karabo’s family, a suitor who loves her independence and doesn’t promise being a domestic house wife. Some of the tweeps were focused on how gorgeous Karabo was. With one tweeps saying that Tebogo wouldn’t be able to handle her.
Some of the tweeps were focused on Kgomostso, an Estate agent intern. Kgomotso said that she doesn’t want a guy who is too chubby and not loud due to her being a loud a person. People focused on her teeth gap, with most saying that she looks like the South African rapper, Pitch Black Afro.
In the third date, he met Nthabiseng’s family. Who wanted a man who would listen to her and is not to light skinned. As much as the focus of the third family was on the suitor, Ntabiseng, the tweeps were focused on her friend, Koketso. The tweeps were praising how gorgeous she was. He ended up choosing Nthabiseng.
These are the tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite