Black Twitter Responds To Vatiswa Ndara’s Open Letter About The Entertainment Industry. Actress Vatiswa Ndara went on to write an open letter regarding the performing industry.
Actress Vatiswa Ndara went on to write an open letter regarding the performing industry. The actress went on to speak about the way performers are treated by their employers and the way they are paid. The actress also supposedly sent an email that she received from the Ferguson Films. The open letter had other people in the entertainment industry and social media users standing with the actress. There were also other tweeps who stood with the Ferguson family as they were being involved in the issue.
One tweep says the Fergusons are now being used as scapegoats because. The tweep says, “Industry problem has become a [Ferguson] problem. Shona and Connie are now carrying the whole industry on their backs. Must be nice to find a scapegoat. Y’all bashing Ferguson’s only and leaving out other production houses. Oh is it because they are not 100% black owned?” One tweep says, “We are used to struggling and being exploited. When someone asks for better better they are ungrateful and how dare they. This is incredibly sad.”
One tweep says, “Vatiswa wasn’t saying they shouldn’t live large. She only asked for better working conditions. That’s all.” One tweep says, “I don’t have any problem with the [Fergusons] or any black child to live anyhow they so wish and can afford to. I just don’t want them to exploit their own.”One tweep says, “Yall forget that Connie Ferguson has been in the industry for years, she has her own businesses for example the cosmetic brand but you act as if she lives this lavish life through exploiting actors.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite