Black Twitter Says What They Doubt They Will Be Doing In 2020 #In2020IDoubtIWill. It’s that time where people plan their new year’s resolutions.
It’s that time where people plan their new year’s resolutions. People are planning on what they want to do to achieve certain things. However, some tweeps have some things that they plan on not doing in 2020. The tweeps used the hashtag #In2020IDoubtIWill.
One tweep says, “#In2020IDoubtIWill allow myself to be broke. I honestly need to get back to saving.” One tweep say he doubts that he will be following celebs in 2020. “#In2020IDoubtIWill still be following celebrities. We also want to grow our accounts & do promos as part of our side hustles,” says one tweep. Some tweeps say that they doubt that they will be in relationships. One tweep says she doubts she will be “in a relationship with someone’s son…all they do is shatter your heart, grind the pieces to dust and sniff it like cocaine.”
One tweep says, “#In2020IDoubtIWill fall for someone’s son, this thing of catching feelings is a scam.” One tweep says, “#In2020IDoubtIWill entertain someone telling me personal stories of others.” Some tweeps say that they doubt that they’ll be making any new year’s resolutions. One tweep says, “I mean none of them become successful…” One tweep says, “#In2020IDoubtIWill say its my year because wawu…”
The tweets:
by Alexandra Ramaite