Black Twitter Speaks About The Saddening Side Of Salaries #SalaryDepression. However, the amount of money that some people get is more saddening to them than the act of getting.
Salary is a huge thing amongst people. However, the amount of money that some people get is more saddening to them than the act of getting. This is due to the uses that money has for some people. Tweeps went on to speak about the saddening fact of salaries.
The tweeps used the hashtag #SalaryDepression. One tweep says his salary was supposed to save him from financial but it does the opposite. The tweep says, “Funny enough my salary is supposed to free me from financial stress but it seems like it buys me stress, depression, tears and more problems before it buys me food and other items I really need.” One tweep says, “You get paid today, in the next three days you are left with nothing and wait for month end to get paid again. Its sad guys.”
One tweep says, “#SalaryDepression is like you are going to work to have money to go to work…” One tweep says, “hits me from the first till 31st.”One tweep says, “when you got paid on the 27th and on the 29th you can’t wait for next [the] payday.” One tweep says, “Everyday [its] #SalaryDepression from payday until the next payday, cost of living is too high, no matter how much you try to live within your means. Those basic needs cost a lot.” One tweep says people says people should work on their finances. “There’s no such thing as #SalaryDepression, ya’ll must just learn to prioritise and manage your finances better. Live within your means.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite