Black Twitter Suspicious Of #WhatsAppStokvel, Thinking It’s A Ponzi Scheme. A supposed WhatsApp stokvel made the on trends list on social media.
A supposed WhatsApp stokvel made the on trends list on social media. The stokvel didn’t turn heads (or thumbs) because of its conducted via WhatsApp. The stokvel made people suspicious because of the amount of money that people get back within a short space of time.
Tweeps used #WhatsAppStokvel to speak about the stokvel. Some of the tweeps jokingly posted their ‘testimonials’. “Yoh, to think I was hesitant of joining this [WhatsApp stokvel], I’ve made a R1000 today only!! This thing is working,” says one tweep. One tweep says, “Didn’t trust [WhatsApp stokvel] at first because I thought it’s another [MMM] but last Friday I decided to join with only R500, look at me now, bought a house cash next week [I’m getting a car].” One tweep says, “this [WhatsApp stokvel] is keeping me so busy! I’ve already made my first R1200 of the day! Onto the next, I’m not only one!” Some of the tweeps outright let it be known that they don’t trust the stokvel.
One tweep hilariously mocked the famous Forex Broker Killers. The tweep says, “What if this whatsapp [WhatsApp stokvel] is another scheme by the fbks maybe we’ll see a show soon called the WSK whatsapp stokvel killers.” One tweep says, Be careful of such pyramid schemes, December is nearby people would do anything and everything to get money.” One tweep says, “People don’t get tired of donating their hard-earned money to scammers.” One tweep says, “I joined and asked to see their list, they showed me a list with only 5 names so I thought I would be number 6..when I paid the person I was added on a list but I was number 20…and I just left cause I know once you are at the end you never getting anything.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite