Her (13 1/2) and I (15) (yes, I know I’m young to be asking for relationship advice) have been friends for about a year and a half, and I’ve liked her for a few months, and want to ask her out but I’m very shaky. I’ve never been able to ask a girl out, regardless of how good of friends we are. We are both in our school’s marching band (that’s how we met), an are in the same section, so anyone who is or was in marching band knows that we see each other quite a bit. We talk for the entirety of the rehearsals, and a fairly decent amount outside of band, and have pretty similar interests. However, whenever I’m about to ask out any girl (granted it hasn’t been that many), I can never get the balls to. I can start a conversation that heads in the right direction, but I very quickly become self conscious, and avoid asking them.
What is good, though, is she shows some of the signs some other threads have said may mean that she has an interest in me, like starting most of our conversations, and keeping eye contact for a few seconds. I’m just not sure if she’s just being friendly or not.
But there’s a huge problem (potentially). I dated her best friend for a few months last year. She broke up with me, but I’ve been over it for a while now. Yet, recently, she’s been showing signs that she may want to get back together with me, like saying hi to me whenever she gets the chance, even if I don’t see her.
So there’s ups and downs, but I would love any and all advice you have. Thanks š