Our relationship hasn’t been all negative. We have shared a lot of really great times. We have been dating for a year. During that time I’ve asked for a break once. Some of the things that she does that really ticks me off. I have asked her to fix these things which she does for a week and then its back to normal. Shes always late, I’ve asked her to be on time several times. Now I know girls are late most of the time due to getting ready, but when you call me and say your on the way….then call me back 20 minutes later and say you just left your house, thats annoying.
We plan a weekend together and I take time off of my busy job to spend a day with her. We set in stone the night before plans to go to a park or go out of town, the following day she will change said plans saying lets go here instead of there.
Our sex life is none. We haven’t had sex in 7 months. I had a big weekend this weekend booked already to spend a night out of town with her and make love in a nice cabin I rented but she doesn’t want to go all of a sudden. Our sex life is like blank. I have tried talked to her and even tried making her comfortable with sex and she doesn’t want to do anything. I thought maybe it was me making her uncomfortable by the way I did things…I assume shes not attracted to me at this point. We argue over stupid shit, she never listens to what I have to say and sometimes I tell her I don’t even want to bother hanging out.
Now those are some of my issues with her outlined. I am not sure if its just me thats thinking incorrectly about our relationship so far or if I should break up with her.
I get this feeling when I go to break up that I am suppose to stay with her. I don’t have a love attachment much anymore and I am unsure what to call said feeling. I want to break it off with her but something keeps me coming back.
I guess from what a user said its a habit I formed over the months. I just also have a fear of being alone after breaking up with her. But then again my life is so busy with stuff to do I don’t think I would feel to alone now.
What would you do? should I finally break things apart?