I’m 28 years of age, have a good job but im ina bit of a dillema with my love life. I met a man 2 and a half years ago whilst i was in London whilst on vacation and he was also on vacation. The guys is in his mid forties, has done well for himself and he takes good care of me. We got along very well from the start and he played open cards with me telling me he that he had separated with his wife but legally is still married and as a result with time we grew closer and we have beenn dating for the past 2 years. He stays in alone Sandton and according to him his wife stays with her boyfriend and as for me i stay in a cottage in Morning side which belongs to one of his friends.
Of late i have been asking myself the following questions
1. Is he really separated,
2. What am i to him
3. Where is this relationship going
4. Am i wasting my time
i have been asking myself these questions because he has never mentioned or tried to talk about our future as in marriage. he has never offered me to move in with him considering he doesn’t stay with his wife and the only time i get to go to his house is on weekends here n there or when he travels and asks me to baby sit his home. Am i being naive? Please help me answer the questions above…