Lol! Tweeps Create Hilarious Armed Robber Dialogue. Imagine that an armed robber came into your place. You hide under the bed and then the same armed robber were to say something pretty cool that would be awesome to reply to.
Imagine that an armed robber came into your place. You hide under the bed and then the same armed robber were to say something pretty cool that would be awesome to reply to. Would you act to the robber’s awesome statement or would you just keep quiet and hope that he leaves. Tweeps would created some hilariously wrong reaction dialogues.
One tweep did a hilarious court exchange. The tweep imagined the lawyer hiding under the bed, therefore making one robber create a hilarious court anecdote as the robbers was about to leave which got the lawyer court. The tweep says, “…Armed Robber 1: Let’s go sir, we shall come back at a later date…Armed Robber 2: Robbery adjourned to 01/02/2022…Lawyer: As the court pleases.” One tweep reference the famous Beyonce song titled ‘Brown Skin Girl’.
The tweep says, “…Armed Robber: Brown Skin Girl…Me: Your Skin Just Like Pearlll!!!” One tweep imagined Runtown getting robbed and referenced a Runtown song. The tweep says, “…Armed Robber 1: Runtown, reveal yourself!…Armed Robber 1: I say come out!…Armed Robber 2: International bad man killa…Runtown: Pull up in a Benz she go reconsider.” One tweep imagined an ignorant tweep hiding under a bed and then getting robbed by a female armed robber. The tweep says, “…Female armed robber: Because I’m a lady doesn’t meant I won’t rob you…Female armed robber: Okay, 30k retweets to go out with me…Ignorant tweep: twitter do your thing, I nee…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite