Man Allegedly Murdered His Grindr Date And Ate Private Parts. The man’s previous Grindr dates before the suspect killed the victim reportedly ran away from the basement bondage being half clothed.
The man from the United State of America’s previous Grindr dates before the suspect killed the victim reportedly ran away from the basement bondage being half clothed. One of the victims jumped a fence in October. The victim thus called 911, the man spoke about leather ankle straps and a chain used to prevent him.
The suspect, Mark Latunski, thus was chasing a man in a kilt in November. He told the officials that he wanted the kilt which cost about R4 268 back. However, the two men didn’t want to press any charges against the Mark Latunski. The men say that their sexual acts with him were done with consent. They thus go on to say that they were just spooked at the home in Michigan. However, last month police reportedly went into the 50-year-old man’s basement only to find one of the man’s Grindr dates nude, dead and tied up by the ankles.
The suspect acknowledged to the brutal crime, according to police officials. He stated how he stabbed Kevin Bacon in the back. He also spoke about how he hanged him from the ceiling rafter with a rope and then slashed his throat. He then went on to say that that he cut off Kevin Bacon’s private parts and cooked them for eating. He pleaded not guilty to his charges of murder and body mutilation. The officials are looking through Mark Latunski’s Grindr history.
The first Lieutenant of the Michigan State Police, David Kaiser, says the officers were limited in their actions to arrest the suspect after the other two incidents. “If those were consensual and we don’t have a victim, then you don’t have a crime. A lot of times what we’re learning is people within [bondage] culture very private and don’t want to share a lot of information,” says First Lieutenant David Kaiser.
by Alexandra Ramaite