Men Give Each Other Health Tips #MensHealthTalk. Men really have a hard time talking about issues.
Men really have a hard time talking about issues. They also have a hard time talking about certain issues that really need attention from us as men. We really can’t handle some situations as men, so we need other men to help each other solve or treat issues that we have. The issues that men have are really broad from sexual problems to mental problems.
Men on Twitter thought it would be great to give each other advice on certain issues that men have. The men used the hashtag #MensHealthTalk to talk about these problems that each man has. One tweep said that just because some men are slim, it doesn’t mean that the men are healthy. The tweep says, “being slim doesn’t mean u (you) (are) healthy do medical checkups exercise eat healthy.” One tweep seeking medical help for your sexual issues is not a sign of weakness.
The tweep says, “Going to Men’s Clinic to seek help is not a sign of weakness. It shows you’re serious about your health. If anything, you should be proud that you’re seeking help instead of pretending like everything is fine.” Other tweeps say that you should focus on yourself as a man. One tweep says you should take care of yourself and your family once you are financially stable.
The tweep says, “Braz as soon as you’re stable in life, take care of yourself first, take care of your family…Then find a woman who did the same thing on her side.” One tweep says if a partner slams your efforts, you must just leave them. The tweep says, “If she doesn’t appreciate your hustle my nigga it’s okay to leave her toxic…” One tweeps says men should be able to talk about their emotions. The tweep says, “let’s learn to talk about our emotions, feelings let’s not die inside because that kills our self confidence, self esteem, love and support each oher.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite