Pics! Pastor Alph Lukau Performs ‘Miracles’ Again. . He also had an alleged doctor come to prove his prayers are not fake.
The controversial miracle pastor came back again with his ‘miracle’ juice that was provided by ‘God’. Pastor Alph Lukau prayed for severely ill patients at his church. He also had an alleged doctor come to prove his prayers are not fake.
The pastors Facebook page says, “Oh Lord take Your Glory. We witnessed amazing instant healing miracles in church today. This morning families delivered seriously ill relatives to AMI (his church) seeking the healing power of God. What would make a family transport their loved ones over suchgreat distances? Jehovah Rapha! For what no man can do- our God can do.”
Not all of the Facebook users were really happy with what the pastor had to produce. One of the users says, “Amen glory to the mighty living God.” Another tweep says, “Glory to God! Powerful! AMEN! AMEN!” One tweep says that he is going to South Africa to get more money because he can act better than the people the pastor paid. One tweep also reminded and warned some people that the controversial pastor allegedly pays people to fake miracles for R1500.
This is just after the pastor also posted another really controversial video that raised a lot of eyebrows. The famous resurrection of the so-called Elliot Moyo, who was later realised that his name is not Elliot. The controversial pastor prayed for the man and he woke up from the dead.

by Alexandra Ramaite