VILJOENSDRIFT – The Viljoensdrif detectives are investigating two different cases of culpable homicide after two unknown persons were hit by vehicles.
In the first incident on Monday, 24 June 2022 at about 19:15 the police attended to an accident scene on the R82, near Vaal Cricket Club Viljoensdrift.
On arrival at the scene the police interviewed the driver who alleged that he was driving on the R82 towards Zamdela and suddenly an unknown African woman aged 18 came out of the bushes and jumped in front of his vehicle.
The deceased was wearing a white long sleeve blouse and a blue jean.
In the second incident on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 at about 06:10 the police attended a complaint of an unknown male found laying on the R59 motionless.
On arrival the police found an unknown African male aged 37 laying next to the road.
The deceased was wearing a blue jacket, black pants and white tekkies.
The two deceased did not have any identification on them.
The police request community members who know anyone who matches these descriptions or who has a missing family member matching the description to please contact Detective Constable Stephen Litseo on 067 004 9783.