Social Media User Allegedly Finds Out Father Has Been Having An Affair With Aunt For Over 20 Years. A social media user got a really bad call from a cousin regarding the social media’s father and the cousin’s mother.
A social media user got a really bad call from a cousin regarding the social media user’s father and the cousin’s mother. The social media user went on ‘reddit’ to state that they have discovered that the father and the aunt (who is the mother’s sister in-law) had allegedly been having an affair for over 20 years. The user states that the relationship between the father and the social media user wasn’t close.
The social media user says, “…basically my father (towards whom I didn’t have any positive feelings even prior to that) apparently has been having [an] affair with my godmother, that is a wife of mother’s brother.” The user also states that they are close with the cousin’s, the godmother’s children. The social media user then went on to say that the cousin found their messages when she accidentally opened the mother’s Facebook account.
“…one of my cousins accidentally opened my aunts Facebook on her computer and their conversation was the first to pop up. She immediately called [me] and as I was the collected one (I honestly thought she was joking as it was so unbelievable for me) I told her to take as much photos of the conversation as she could and not to hang up.” The user states that the cousin called the aunt out of impulsiveness to confront her, that’s when the aunt allegedly deleted the entire conversation and told the cousin that it was a joke.
“I got the first train I could and came over to my cousin’s house and the rest of the day was just us reading the copies…and letting the rest of our cousins…know what we found out.” She states that they have given the aunt a week to get her things straight and confess. “The fact that my father is capable of this did not surprise me, but I know it was heartbreaking for my cousins as they’re close with they’re mom…” The user is contemplating on telling her mother about the issue.

by Alexandra Ramaite