Tweeps Are Amazed That ‘Village Girls’ Zozo Has Been Married For 11 Years. The sisters headed to Kenya yesterday.
Yesterday (Tuesday) another episode of the Village Girls came to our screens. The sisters headed to Kenya yesterday. They went to visit Zozo and her family while also coming to see the scenery of Kenya. Dineo stated that she chose an earlier flight to Kenya because she didn’t want to get on a flight with Arefa, as they have planned to go together. Dineo was irritated because Arefa was on her case about her cheating problem.
When they arrived at Zozo’s house, the girls were amazed at how beautiful the house was was. Most tweeps were amazed at how long Zozo has been married. The sister was married for to her Kenyan husband for 11 years. One tweep says, “I think Zozo is (a) inspiring lot of young women of RSA…” One tweep says Zozo should plan on having seminars on how to have a lasting relationship. The tweep says, “11 years of da (the) relationship…Zozo should start holding up relationship seminars.” One tweep was baffled as to how old Zozo is. The tweep says, “11 years in a relationship? Bathong how old is zozo?”
Some tweeps were on Dineo’s case because she cheated. One tweep says, “dineo’s mood always goes from 0 to 100 real quick.” One tweep says dineo could be under the weather or her divorce is starting to get to her. The tweep says, “Dineo looks terrible is she really sick or (the) reality of divorce is starting to sink in. Some tweeps realised that Zozo’s makeup was too much. One tweep says, “Zozo and too much makeup, same whatsapp group.” One tweep says, “Oh but My Zozo…That makeup…That lipstick…Issa No…No…No.
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite