Tweeps Compare Their Banking Costs #Capitec #StandardBank. There has been a lot of debate within the past years about which bank is better in South Africa in terms of cost.
There has been a lot of debate within the past years about which bank is better in South Africa in terms of costs. This time people didn’t debate but they just spoke about the charges they get from their banks. The tweeps spoke about the charges they get from their banks for immediate payments.
One tweep started the trend whereby he spoke about the cheap cost of immediate payment at Capitec. The tweep says, “Capitec bank immediate payment cost R8 it reflects in 2 minutes. Your bank would never.” One tweep says, “Capitec immediate payment is up there with the best things to ever happen to banking…” One tweep says, “Capitec bank is the best thing to ever happen in SA after sister bethina…R8 for immediate payment, whereas [your] fave charge R45.” One tweep responded to a post about people who use Capitec having time to waste. The tweep says, “Capitec is for people who invest in time to save money.”
Some tweeps spoke about the banks they use, the most prevalent bank by most tweeps was Standard Bank. One tweep says, “Standard Bank is the worst. A whole R50 for immediate payments…” One tweep tagged the service provider. The tweep says, “Standard bank is R50…surely this isn’t ok, look at your peers.” One tweep says, “Whenever I have both my Standard Bank card and Capitec card and the available ATM is Absa or FNB then I withdraw from my Capitec account coz the charges will [be] reasonable.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite