Tweeps Debate On Whether The Washing Machine Should Be In The Kitchen Or Bathroom. Should it be in the kitchen or the bathroom?
The washing machine is one of the wold’s greatest inventions because it makes our lives a whole lot easier for us. However, there is always that one difficult question that we always have about washing machines. The answer could make or break us. Should it be in the kitchen or the bathroom?
Some tweeps went on to suggest where a washing machine should be situated as suggested by them. One tweep says this type of laundry question has an international effect. The tweep says, “Internationally there’s being (been) an argument on where the washing machine should be in the house. Americans say the laundry room…Germans say the bathroom…In the UK it’s mostly in the kitchen.” One tweep finds people putting washing machines in the bathroom or kitchen weird.
The tweep says, “Y’all it ain’t normal to have a washing machine in a bathroom or in a kitchen. Are you all ok?” One tweep says, “Don’t understand how it makes more sense for the washing machine to be in the bathroom than the kitchen.” One tweep says in the UK, putting your washing machine in the laundry room or kitchen is more practical because the bathroom doesn’t have enough electrity running through for the washing machine.
The tweep says, “Laundry room I can understand but if you ain’t got one, the kitchen is much more practical in the uk. Much more space under worktops & we use 240v supply so we don’t have bathroom sockets (only shaver) so where would you plug your washing machine?” One tweep says, “WAIT SO YALL ARE TELLING ME THAT YOU HAVE YOUR WASHING MACHINE IN (the) KITCHEN, NOT IN (the) BATHROOM????”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite