Tweeps Hilariously Help DJ Arch Junior With His Homework. While Arch Jnr is having the time of his life in the United Kingdom, he can’t forget that he still has homework to do.
While Arch Jnr is having the time of his life in the United Kingdom, he can’t forget that he still has homework to do. The young man asked people on social media to help him with his homework. The homework was about labelling the different parts of a grasshopper. The people on Twitter? Well,they sort of helped him with his homework. The tweeps named parts that were not on the grasshopper.
One tweep hilariously named most of the terms that have to do with Arch Juniors career. The tweep says, “1. Volume…2. CD pouch…3. Booth output…4. Trim control…5. Cue…6. Pre-Amp…or just say [put zero] ma’am.” One tweep says, “Tell [the] teacher it hopped away…you’ll get full marks.” One tweep told him to leave it to the tweeps. The tweep says, “Go and party we got this…In the mean time Black Twitter let’s solve this crisis homework.”
One tweep says, “Just say aunty ate the grasshopper before I could write my homework.” Some tweeps were frustrated by the homework, the tweeps say the homework is a waste of time. One tweep says, “This thing wasted our time…they should’ve at least gave you a homework about 4th industrial revolution and how its going to affect your career…” One tweep says, “Lol I see the syllabus is still stuck in the 80’s.” One tweep says, “Just tell the teacher the dog ate it.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite