Tweeps Let It All Out Without Trying To Offend Others. They used the hashtag to rant about all the problems that they see in the world.
Have you ever heard a person say no offense or no hard feelings? What they mean is “I’m going to offend you but don’t really take it as an offence.” The Twitter streets had to make a hashtag called #NoHardFeelingsMara, with the “mara” meaning “but”.
They used the hashtag to rant about all the problems that they see in the world. With some of them really using the hashtag to single out certain types of people that they “didn’t want to offend.” Some of the tweeps sent these post with the hope of not receiving any frustration from the other tweeps in the comments and the other tweeps… they don’t care at all.
One tweep says, “#NoHardFeelingsMara take off that weave and face your problems man to man.” One other tweep spoke about the cheating tendencies of some of the males in South Africa by saying “#NoHardFeelingsMara When j. Cole said, “She’s my number one, I don’t need nothing on the side” No male in South Africa felt it.” Another tweep spoke about how losing their money is more bad than just losing a relationship. The tweep says, “#NoHardFeelingsMara debit orders hurt more than a break up!”
One other tweep used the hashtag to praise dark skinned males. Tweeps used memes to express that they meant “no hard feelings.” Well, we can actually see that some of them meant to hilariously offend others. Some could really be sub-tweeting others. Its Twitter anyways, anything could happen in these streets.
This is what some tweeps’ said:

by Alexandra Ramaite