Tweeps Make Plans Of What They Want To Do In The Decade #InThisDecadeIWanna. A new decade has started and people are hoping it’s the best decade of their lives.
A new decade has started and people are hoping it’s the best decade of their lives. People have a lot of things they want to achieve and it would be more awesome for them to develop throughout the years. 10 years is a pretty good target for people who want to grow. People went on Twitter to say what they hope to achieve within the next 10 years.
The tweeps used the hashtag #InThisDecadeIWanna. One tweep wants black parents to understand mental illness. “#InThisDecadeIWanna inform black parents about depression, bipolar and suicide, bipolar and suicide, not everything is “[demons]” kids need counselling not only prayer,” says the tweep. One tweep wants to be in a healthy relationship. The tweep says, “#InThisDecadeIWanna finally get into a healthy adult relationship, no more toxic relationships for me.”
One tweep says, “#InThisDecadeIWanna see men coming up and talking about situations that affects their well beings. Unemployment, Depression, Hurts and other undesirable situations for society.” Some of the tweeps say that they would like to see themselves living peaceful and transformed lives. One tweep says, “#InThisDecadeIWanna Transform my life so much that the only time I look back is to see how far I have come…Time to focus on the Fall of Blessings waiting ahead for me.” One tweep says, “#InThisDecadeIWanna learn how to do things like travelling and having dinner dates alone sometimes you can have people around you and still feel alone.
The tweets:
by Alexandra Ramaite