Tweeps Recall The Day They Knew They were “Evil” #IKnewIWasEvilWhen. We all have that one messed up thing that we may have done in our lives.
We all have that one messed up thing that we may have done in our lives. Some people do stuff because of greed. This would make some people think that you are an evil person or you might think that you are an evil person. Tweeps went on to speak about the actions that they did that resulted in them thinking that they are evil people.
The tweeps used the hashtag #IKnewIWasEvilWhen. One tweep says he gave a couple the wrong directions to a place that they were looking for. The tweep says, “I gave wrong directions to a lost couple…I wonder if they got there.” One tweep says he took the electricity money that his parents gave him and bought airtime. The tweep says, “#IKnewIWasEvilWhen they gave me money to buy electricity and ought airtime instead.” One tweep says he knew he was “evil” when he stole his friend’s money in high school.
The tweep says, “I stole my friend’s transport money in high school and there after helped him look for it.” One tweep says she knew that she was “evil” when she ate her daughter’s pizza when she was asleep. The tweep says, “I waited for my daughter to sleep then I ate her slice of pizza.” One tweep says, “#IKewIWasEvilWhen when I ate my son’s Magnum and helped him look for it…” One tweep says, “I transferred R100 airtime from my mom’s phone and deleted the message and blamed VodaCom…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite