Tweeps Recall Their First Days When They Started Working #MyFirstDayAtWork. The first day at work has to be the scariest day at work because you have to prove to your employer that choosing you was not a bad idea.
The first day at work has to be the scariest day at work because you have to prove to your employer that choosing you was not a bad idea. Something might go wrong or you might be able to prove to your employer that a person with your skills is very important for the company that you work for. Tweeps went on to social media to reminisce about what happened when they started working.
Tweeps used the hashtag #MyFirstDayAtWork to speak about what happened at their first days at work. One tweep remembers when the tweep was fired because of a hazard that was caused. The tweep says, “2004 I was working at Spur as a waiter fresh out of training and I put this milk jar [metal jar] in the microwave to warm milk for a customer. Long story short: My job perished with the microwave.” One tweep remembers when she missed her stop at the train station, making her arrive 2 hours late.
The tweep says, “…when I did [an] Internship in Stellenbosch…I passed with the train to Wellington then took another one back. I arrived at 10:00 at work…i didn’t report because well, i did not even like it there. So it was like whatever. I just needed to finish my training.” One tweep says the receptionist at his workplace was too pretty, he even feared speaking to her. The tweep says, “…Our receptionist was way too pretty i was scared to ask her where the toilet was and I was soo pressed.” The first day at work may be scary but hopefully some of these people are now comfortable in what they do.
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite