Tweeps Recall Their Vows To Themselves #ISworeToNever. There is that one thing that you promised yourself to never do in your life.
There is that one thing that you promised yourself to never do in your life. You may have done it before or you have seen others do it then vowed to yourself that you’ll never do it. This might be a bad habit or it might be one mishap that happened in your life that you hurt for a while. We all make promises to ourselves that we hope to uplift forever and ever.
Tweeps say what they promised themselves to never do. The tweeps used the hashtag #ISworeToNever. Some of the tweeps faltered in their vows and some of the tweeps kept to their vows. One tweep swore to never leave his wallet at home and remembered that he took a pic of himself with the wallet at home. However, the tweep still left his wallet at home. The tweep says, “#ISworeToNever leave my wallet at home but today I did…but I had time to take this useless pic in front of it.” One tweep says, “#ISworeToNever attend those parties where you are invited and you gonna have to use your own money to help with the celebration.”
One tweep says he vowed to never ignore what a drunk person says. The tweep says, “#ISworeToNever ignore a drunk person because drunk words are sober thoughts.” One tweep says, #ISworeToNever love another man’s daughter but seems like I was fooling myself…It’s a good feeling to be in love but that s**t is scary asf.” One tweep jokingly says he vowed to never say the truth because it ruined his relationship with his friend. The tweep says, “#ISworeToNever speak the truth…my friend doesn’t talk to me anymore after telling him that father is a blesser to our high school class mate.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite