Tweeps Say What They Are Sorry For #IAmSorryFor. There’s sometimes that thing that you feel sorry about.
There’s sometimes that thing that you feel sorry about. It might be an event that occurred between you and another person, or it might be something you did yourself. For some people there’s a sense of guilt that comes with doing something unpleasable.
Tweeps went on to Twitter to say what they are sorry about with the hashtag #IAmSorryFor. One tweep says that he is sorry for not understanding physical sciences in high school. The tweep says, “#IAmSorryFor not understanding physical sciences and not giving myself time to study it.” One tweep says, “IAmSorryFor All The Wrong Things That I’ve Done.” Some tweeps asked for forgiveness from themselves. One tweep says, “#IAmSorryFor listening to people who criticized me and not reaching my full potential…” One tweep says, “Dear self #IAmSorryFor thinking you’re not enough, for letting you down, for losing yourself in the process of loving the other and for not believing in you!”
One tweep says, “#IAMSorryFor not listening to my teachers when they told me to focus on studies [because] it’s rough out there…I guess [they are right when they say] “We learn the hard way”.” One tweep apologised to his sister. The tweep says, “To my breadwinner sister #IAmSorryFor for frying 6 eggs at once, I am sorry for drinking the Oros like [I] was drinking water, I am sorry for giving you the evil eye when you dished up just one piece of meat for me, I took you for granted – [I’m working now] and now I understand!”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite