Tweeps Say What They Don’t Like At Funerals #Annoying ThingsAtFunerals. Funerals are very sad events, they should be respected in honour of the person who has passed away.
Funerals are very sad events, they should be respected in honour of the person who has passed away. In black families a lot is being done before the day of the funeral. People also come in and help where help is needed. However, there are some things that people do at a funeral that just irritate you. Tweeps let people know what irritates them at funerals.
The tweeps used the hashtag #AnnoyingThingsAtFunerals to let it out. One tweep says, “getting in someone’s car from [the place] to cemetery [but] they are not coming back for [food]…” One tweep says, “people who don’t attend but wait for everyone to come back from the grave yard then queue with them for food.” One tweep says, “when they hide the meat to take it to their homes later on…” Some tweeps say they are annoyed when the family members are the only ones that get served.
One tweep says, “When at the graveyard and the family gets fancy drinks and we get nothing.” Another tweep says, “When Only Family Members Get Baked Biscuits & Drink.” Some tweeps say they are annoyed by family members that take food items for themselves. One tweep says she’s annoyed by the family member who has the key to the room that has food. The tweep says, “that 1 family member that holds the key to the grocery room and she hides a bucket of scones for herself.” Another tweep says, “Those family members that steal food and then cause scenes about missing food…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite