Tweeps Show Their Excitement For The Long Weekend #IsssaLongWeekendSo. During this amazing long weekend people get to do a lot of stuff.
The long weekend is upon us. During this amazing long weekend people get to do a lot of stuff. Most importantly people get to recuperate and get back to school or work with a rejuvenated body. Some people already have plans set out on what they are going to do during the weekend, some people don’t have plans (they take it as it comes).
Some people are going to do some reckless activities (we hope for safety) and some people are just going to sit back at home (it might be the winter or the lack of funds).Tweeps tell us what they are going to do during this long weekend. The tweeps used the hashtag #IssaLongWeekendSo. Some tweeps plan on going out most of the long weekend.
One tweep says, “let whatever happens happen…As long as long as we come back alive…Oh Lord…” One tweep says some people are probably going to vacations with their partners. The tweep says, “Baecation loading for some people.” One tweep says, “#IssaLongWeekendSo bank balance is going to suffer.” One tweep is planning on going on a road trip. The tweep says, “Issa Road Trip.” Other tweeps are just planning on staying at home during the long weekend.
One tweep says, “#IssaLongWeekendSo time for me to catch up on some sleep and a few movies.” One tweep says, “I’m going to take it easy.” One tweep says they just going to eat. The tweep says, “Is (Its) me against this menu plus its cold af.” Some tweeps are just staying at home because they are broke. One tweep says, “I am going to be lazy at home. Keep your paid days and celebrations. Rona re broke.” One tweep says, “IssaLongWeekendSo food, electricity is expensive; stay at home.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite