Tweeps Speak About What They Learned The Hard Way #ILearntTheHardWayThat. Sometimes we have the luck of not having to go through some things in order for us to learn a lesson.
Sometimes we have the luck of not having to go through some things in order for us to learn a lesson. Then there are some things that we have no choice but to go through them as a lesson for the next time. These events may be harsh on you as a person but they pass. The events also teach you lessons that may resonate with you forever.
Tweeps tell us the things that they learnt the hard way when it happened to them with the hashtag #ILearntTheHardWayThat. Some tweeps said that they learnt that they should not lay all their belief in a person. The tweep says, “#ILearntTheHardWayThat a person can be your friend today, tomorrow they can switch up on you and become a stranger, or even an enemy.”
One tweep says, “#ILearntTheHardWayThat you’re more likely to be helped by strangers than your own family!!!”Some tweeps said the funny things that they learnt the hard way. One tweep made a joke about the United States of America removing Huawei from the country.
The tweep says, “#ILearntTheHarWayThat Huawei staged a direct attack on #Apple from the word go by cutting the apple into pieces.” One tweeps says, “#ILearntTheHardWayThat gaining weight when you still owe me is a sign of DISRESPECT.” One tweep says, “#ILearntTheHardWayThat poverty can be romantic.”
These are the tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite