Tweeps Write Letters For Their Kids #LetterToMyKid. When we have children we always want to protect them from the world, teach them about the world and show them that we love them.
Children, the treasure of parents’ heart. When we have children we always want to protect them from the world, teach them about the world and show them that we love them. However, we can’t always tell them these things face to face, so it might be better to write them a letter. This is what tweeps thought would be good to do. The tweeps wrote a letters for their children (whether its current children or future children).
The tweeps used the hashtag #LetterToMyKids to show love to their children. One tweep says if her child feels as if it is a good idea to remove her from her life, she should do it. The tweep says, “If it gives you peace to cut me off, don’t ever hesitate.” One tweep says she’s happy with whatever her child does. The tweep says, “I’m proud of you no matter what, you don’t have to go through extreme lengths to impress me. Do it for you!” One tweep says he wants his child to live life. The tweep says, “I didn’t make you so that u (you) can just pay bills and die. don’t just survive life, live it,” says the tweep.
One tweep let her child know that she’ll always be there for the child. “I will always be there, always!” One tweep encouraged his child to be creative. The tweep says, “Be creative, Grow out thy hair care free, work smart n (and) travel the world!” One tweep says, “Never conform to society’s standads (standards) live your life according to you needs and wants.” One tweep says, “Never ever lose your value because of someone’s inability to see your worth.”
Some tweeps encourage their children to always believe in God. “The world will tell you there is no God. You will be mocked…for being a christian and believing in God and the Church. Stand firm. Don’t stop believing. He lives,” says the tweep. One tweep says she prayed for her child before she was born and she encourages her child to do the same. The tweep says, “First thing I did after I gave birth to you was pray for you. Stay in prayer my daughter and the Lord will be your light. I love you now and forever more…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite