Twitter Reacts To Side Chick ‘Confronting’ Boyfriend’s Wife. One woman on Twitter posted tweet saying that her friend was about to confront her boyfriend’s wife.
One woman on Twitter posted tweet saying that her friend was about to confront her boyfriend’s wife. “My friend is dating a married man and is about to confront the wife. I’m so nervous for her,” says the woman. The woman then posted screenshots of the conversation between her friend and the wife. The wife didn’t know anything about the divorce.
Tweeps didn’t like the woman confronting the man’s wife. One tweep says, “How stupid and gullible some woman (women) can be, you’re dating a married man and he’s telling you his wife refused to sign divorce papers, then you decide to confront sombody’s wife on your own, Sister aren’t you a fool???” One tweep says, “What can the husband tell the girl for her to want to confront the wife…”One tweep says the woman is mad because she’s confronting the wife. The tweep says, “You are dating a married man and you want to go and confront his wife. You must be moving mad.”
One tweep says the woman was being disrespectful towards the wife. The tweep says, “How are you going to confront a wife about her man cheating with you and be so rude and disrespectful…”Some tweeps didn’t understand why the friend didn’t reprimand her friend. One tweep says, “Sooo are you the friend or just as wild as she is who hyped her up to confront the wife idc (I don’t care) what he said…as her friend you were supposed to be like nooo that’s a dummy move but boom here we are….” One tweep says the woman who posted the tweet needs to be a better friend. “You need better friends and you need to be a better friend. Confront the wife,” says the tweep.

The tweet:

by Alexandra Ramaite