Twitter Replies To Zodwa Wabantu Saying She’s Not Homophobic. Zodwa went on to reply to people saying she’s homophobic because of the statement she said on her Moja Love reality show ‘Zodwa Uncensored’.
Zodwa went on to reply to people saying she’s homophobic because of the statement she said on her Moja Love reality show ‘Zodwa Uncensored’. The socialite and reality television star Sowetan Live that she is not homophobic because she has more than 20 gay friends; she also says that her clothing designer is a gay person. Zodwa says the statement was directed towards her gay friends.
“I am talking about something that I have observed about them since they are my friends. Anyway that is a reality show. I am calling it as I see it,” says Zodwa Wabantu. On her reality show she said that gays are convinced that they have female genitals whereas they have male genitals. She went on to say that females accommodate gay people because they wear makeup and when women speak about men, they gay guys echo their stories. Not all tweeps were satisfied with Zodwa Wabantu’s statements towards gay people.South African rapper Reason says the apology sounds like something that some white people would say to black people.
The hip hop artist says “…that sound like white people who say… “how can I be racist? I have so many black friends! Even my helper is Black!” One tweep says that she doesn’t think that Zodwa Wantu knows why people are attacking her . The tweep says, “I don’t think Zodwa even understands why everyone’s on her case… for [her] it’s never going to be deep [because] [she’s like that] [with] everything anyway…” One tweep says Zodwa should’ve just apologised and left the conversation. The tweep says, “She could’ve just apologized and kept it going…It’s the same as “how can I be racist, my housekeeper is black”.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite