Tweeps Say What Being In A Relationship Made Them Do #MjoloMadeMe. Have you ever been so deeply in love that you would do anything for that significant other or you end up forgetting certain things that were in your life because of that person?
Have you ever been so deeply in love that you would do anything for that significant other or you end up forgetting certain things that were in your life because of that person? Well, sometimes falling deeply in love with someone could be bad for you, good for you or just a lesson. Tweeps went on to say what being in a relationship made them do. The tweeps used the hashtag #MjoloMadeMe.
One tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe write in paragraphs to express my feelings.” One tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe google “how to be strong.” One tweep says being in a relationship made him believe that women are expensive. The tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe believe that no woman is cheap.” One tweep says he bought Ferrero Rocher chocolate and doesn’t know what the chocolate tastes like.
The tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe buy Ferrero Rocher for her and till today I don’t know what it tastes like.” One tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe made me appreciate being single…” One tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe wake up in the wee hours of the morning and say YAH NEH.” One tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe realise a Blue tick is more stressful than failing an exam.” One tweep says being in a relationship made her desperate. The tweep says, “#MjoloMadeMe so desperate, I would send 5 texts before getting a reply…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite