Women Tell Men What They Want #WhatWomenWant. Men always ask themselves what women want.
Men always ask themselves what women want. They hardly get the answers they need about women, which results in the famous saying of “women don’t know what they want.” Well, today woman show that they do know what they want. Women on Twitter went on to tell fellow tweeps what they want.
The women used the hashtag #WhatWomenWant. One woman says that women want to feel comfortable in their own bodies. The tweep says, “#WhatWomenWant is to sometimes enjoy our bodies without feeling the need to shave or look perfect at all times…” One woman says woman just want to be treated as equal as men in the workplace. The tweep says, “#WhatWomenWant is to be treated the same as men at [the] workplace.” One tweep says, “#WhatWomenWant is lots of independence and self-love.” One tweep says, “Women want to be respected even without their present and also to be protected, cared for, attention, commitment, fun and lastly being treated like a queen…”
One tweep says women just want to get their paper. The tweep says, “#WhatWomenWant is to secure the bag.” One tweep says women just want some peace of mind. The tweep says, “#WhatWomenWant…Peace of mind…No nagging kids…No nagging husband…No nagging boss…Just peace and quiet.” One tweep hilariously says women want to munch without the result of gaining weight. The tweep says, “#WhatWomenWant eat and not gain weight or better still have [a] flat tummy…” One tweep says, “#WhatWomenWant to be loved unconditionally and protected…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite